In Brief
March 2019 • Vol 6 Issue 2
Save the date, June 6th, for BUILD NYC’s Innovation on the Park, an evening to benefit BUILD NYC Student Entrepreneurs. Barton is proud to support BUILD NYC’s mission to use entrepreneurship to ignite the potential of youth from under-resourced communities and propel them to high school, college and career success. To learn more about BUILD NYC and this important event, click here.
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Partner Kenneth N. Rashbaum will lead a discussion entitled “A Resilient Privacy Program in Today’s Climate” at the May 8th New Jersey Roundtable. Attorneys, accountants, multinational corporation departments (risk, law, compliance), and consultancies that work with multinational corporations, universities and nonprofits, will be in attendance. Topics covered will include recent trends in GDPR and CCPA, the next steps in the U.S. privacy landscape, recent fines in the privacy landscape, privacy auditing and policy updating practices. Roundtable participants include speakers from Crowe LLP, ADP, and AETNA. For more information and to register for the event, please contact Christine Bongard at christine.bongard@crowe.com.
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Barton was pleased to recently host the BritishAmerican Business annual tax forum. Partners Abe Mastbaum and James A. Guadiana joined members of Frank Hirth to discuss a variety of complex topics related to the U.S. Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Subjects covered included Qualified Opportunity Zones, new limitations on deductibility of business interest, changes to the Controlled Foreign Corporation (CFC) Regime, international tax reform, the Global Intangible Low-Taxed Income (GILTI), and the UK tax update for UK residents and non-residents. You can view the presentation in its entirety here.
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2019 has seen another bump in New York’s salary threshold for employees to be considered exempt from overtime pay. It’s a change that is important for employers to note and carefully comply with in order to avoid some costly consequences.
If you’ve ever shared anything personal on a social media platform—photos, status updates, political views—chances are you’ve heard the (digital) age-old adage: “The Internet is forever.” With the right tools, even content that is marked as private or deleted entirely can be dredged up from the depths of the World Wide Web. Consequently, this virtual permanence renders social media platforms as powerful discovery tools during the course of litigation.